Online Private Reiki Trainings

Online Private Reiki Trainings


Reiki Trainings

Online Private Reiki Trainings are available worldwide.

All Reiki courses are offered in the traditional Usui method of natural healing.

Reiki is a Japanese technique that uses Universal Life Force energy for healing. It is an ancient method of hands-on healing that can be taught to anyone who is willing to learn. This powerful healing practice helps balance the chakras and energy bodies, sending loving Universal energy to where it is most needed.

Reiki is a natural and gentle way to bring balance and harmony to the entire being, and offers a sense of peace, security and Well-Being to those who receive it. It is a wonderful way to release stress, tune into your heart and find ease in your daily life.

Click here for the full description of each Reiki course.

Your manuals will be emailed to you within 24 hours of placing your order.

Please note that all Reiki course fees are non-refundable. Any appointments that need to be rescheduled within 24 hours of your session time will be charged a $75 rescheduling fee. Thanks for your understanding!