Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal

  • Image of Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal
  • Image of Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal
  • Image of Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal

Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal


Tourmalinated Quartz Crystal

Tourmalinated Quartz is a stone of balance. It brings peace and harmony to the mind and body. A lovely crystal to enhance intuitive abilities, purify the aura, and connect more deeply with the angelic realm. Tourmalinated Quartz brings a renewed perspective to one's life. It provides a fresh energy that helps one move forward with more ease. Very helpful for meditation. Activates the crown, third eye, and root chakras.

All Earth Elements jewellery and crystals are cleansed with sage and infused with Reiki before being sent to you, so their healing qualities are enhanced. The addition of Reiki brings a very soothing, comforting, and grounding energy to your piece.